2024-03-182022-03-152024-03-182022-03-31https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/459As a result of the scarcity of fossil fuels that have lasted for years, the renewable energy sources are getting worse in the present century, being a promising and more sustainable alternative in relation to the environment. With the growing demand for ethanol as a fuel, research has been developed to increase the production of this product without increasing the plant’s cultivation area. Thus, second generation ethanol – 2G arises, being produced through waste often discarded from other cultures. These residues go through steps to provide fermentable sugars and are then fermented by yeasts. The major obstacle of this product is the high cost of production that makes the process unfeasible. Thus, the present work aims to describe and analyze the stages of the 2G ethanol production process, through bibliographic research, also addressing its main raw materials. It was possible to conclude that second-generation ethanol is an advantageous product, but it still needs to be developed so that the process becomes economically viable.Acesso AbertoResíduosCeluloseHemiceluloseLigninaEtanol 2GProcesso de produção do etanol de segunda geração a partir de resíduos agroindustriaisTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoTECNOLOGIA QUIMICAALCOOL