2024-03-152022-04-052024-03-152022-04-05https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/456The production of sugarcane has been an agricultural activity that faces several challenges, from those related to environmental issues, including economic ones, among others. This article aims to discuss and analyze the challenges related to environmental and economic aspects faced by sugarcane producers in recent times. The study is contextualized by a methodology that includes theoretical and field research. In the first one, we sought to identify theoretical aspects that deal with the panorama of this agriculture, referring to some points that deserve to be highlighted. In the field research, which is a case study, the vision oftwo sugarcane producers regarding the topic under discussion was evidenced. The methodology, already mentioned as theoretical and field, included the recording and analysis of ideas from theorists who deal with this topic and a questionnaire carried out with the two collaborators, through a Google form. The results obtained with this study were satisfactory, as many aspects of the context related to the panorama of sugarcane in Brazil were perceived, as well as the main challenges highlighted by the two producers regarding economic and environmental issues. The acquired knowledge was important to understand the subject in a deeper way.Acesso AbertoCana-de-açúcarDesafiosFatores econômicosFatores ambientaisOs desafios econômicos e ambientais para os produtores de cana-de-açúcar nos últimos 5 anos: um estudo de caso com dois produtores do município de Penedo/AlagoasTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIÊNCIAS AGRÁRIAS