2024-03-192024-03-192024-03-192022-04-26https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/468Due to the advance of environmental damage, accumulated in recent decades by fossil fuels, biofuels have been growing more and more. In this way, bioethanol has been gaining space and importance. Second-generation ethanol (E2G), whose raw material is lignocellulosic biomass, has been drawing the industry's attention, with a forecast of higher growth until 2026. E2G brings many advantages, such as the low cost of raw materials, lower emission of polluting gases, etc. This work presents, the production of ethanol from lignocellulosic biomass, showing the structure of this biomass and the production step by step. The work was developed through a bibliographic review, based on articles, websites, theses, etc. The process is different from conventional ethanol, first-generation, as it contains the additional steps of pre-treatment and hydrolysis, followed by fermentation and distillation. Such steps are essential for a good ethanol yield at the end of the process. It is verified that there are some disadvantages and challenges to be overcome. In the production of E2G, important differences are pointed out, compared to the first generation, due to the characteristics of the biomass, being necessary to use highly specific enzymes. which currently have a high cost, which still makes the feasibility of the process difficult, among other problems, such as inhibitors that may appear in the hydrolysis and fermentation stages. It is expected that over the years bioethanol will grow more and more and Brazil will stand out in the use of this technique, expanding its processing in the industry.Acesso AbertoBiocombustíveisEtanolEG2Processo produtivoProcesso produtivo de etanol de segunda geraçãoTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoEngenharia QuímicaÁlcool