2024-09-092024-09-092024-09-092022-10-25https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/702At the end of 2019, with the emergence of the new coronavirus, there were several changes in social behavior over time, among these changes is the educational area, which, as one of the main pillars of development, could not remain idle for a long time. Therefore, as a matter of urgency, remote classes began in most educational institutes. As a consequence of the great change of environments, teachers and students felt a lot of difficulty in learning, since until then they had not had this ability before. Taking into account such difficulties to teach an online room, the need for new methodologies was evident. Educational institutions use various tools that help both in the development of classes and in the methods of evaluative activities and, therefore, the present experience report carried out with some scholarship holders and a supervisory teacher of PIBID-IFAL, seeks to emphasize the use of the Kahoot platform. As a result of the activity carried out, the platform was very useful for the students, as it brings with it a diversity of activities that attract the student's interest.Acesso AbertoEnsino remotoPIBIDPlataforma de aprendizagemEnsino gamificadoKahootRemote teachingLearning platformGamified teachingUso do Kahoot no modelo de ensino remoto - Ensino de BiologiaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS HUMANAS