2021-08-202022-01-022021-08-202020-12-16https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/12Innovation occurs when knowledge is transformed into a product, a new or significan tly improved process and used by society. In this sense, the scientific technological knowledge provided by the Federal Institute of Alagoas ( IFAL ) is essential for the cultural, technological and socioeconomic development of the state. This dissertation s ought to investigate the understanding of the participants of the Institutional Program for I NIT iation Scholarships in Technological Development and Innovation ( PIBITI ) about innovation and intellectual property at IFAL , being the advisors and scholardship holders/ volunteers with projects approved in the 2018 2019 and 2019 2020 notices of the program . The objective of this work was to disseminate basic knowledge about innovation and protection of intellectual properties to PIBITI participants, contributing to the effectiveness of the research applied within the IFAL . This work brings reflections on the relationship between the path of Professional and Technological Education (EPT) and the Brazilian capitalist mode of production, with an emphasis on the poss ibility of overcoming Brazil's subservience in the context of the world economy, through scientific technological development, associated to the integral formation of subjects in the conception of education of the Federal Institutes of Professional Educati on. The research has a qualitative approach, being used more specifically the action research method, with the use of methodological instruments: interview, semi structured questionnaire, field notes and virtual interaction. The i nit ial diagnosis showed th at the sector responsible for stimulating technological innovation research and the protection of inventions, the IFAL Center for Technological Innovation ( NIT ), lacks the structure to develop its legal attributions, mainly in the dissemination of the cult ure of innovation in the Institute , since the number of servers in the sector is small and the activities are diverse. The tabulation of the results of the questionnaires revealed that PIBITI participants have incipient knowledge regarding innovation and i ntellectual property and, to contribute to the expansion of this knowledge, a textual material was constructed in the format of an e book as an educat ional product of this research , aimed at PIBITI participants, and can be made available to other intereste d parties. The material had a positive evaluation by the target audience of the research, and can be used by IFAL todisseminate basic knowledge about innovation and intellectual property.Acesso AbertoPIBITIProduto Educacional.Núcleo de Inovação TecnológicaEnsinoCiência e tecnologia no Instituto Federal de Alagoas: proposta de e-book para disseminação de conhecimentos sobre inovação e propriedade intelectualDissertaçãoCIENCIAS HUMANAS