2024-08-202024-08-202024-08-202023-09-22https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/620The present study aims to analyze the connection between environmental education, school management and public policies in two elementary education units that are part of the municipal network. The study carried out is of the descriptive type, which had as its methodological course the development of three stages: bibliographic survey, application of semi-structured questionnaires to the managers of two municipal elementary schools, addressing: Environmental public policies; School management; and Environmental Education. Data analysis was performed based on the three themes addressed. In the obtained results it was verified that the managers of the two worked schools have perception of the importance of the practice of environmental education in the school environment, however the studied schools do not carry out practices of environmental education in tune with the environmental and educational public policies. The study carried out brings valuable contributions to reflection on environmental education practices in tune with public policies and school management, the application of these practices will be reflected in the environmental awareness of individuals in the school community and in the environmental conservation of the school unit and its surroundings.Acesso AbertoEducação ambientalGestão escolarPolíticas públicas ambientaisAmbiente escolarEnvironmental educationSchool managementEnvironmental public policiesSchool environment.Gestão escolar, educação ambiental e políticas públicas ambientais : uma análise em duas escolas de ensino fundamental da rede municipalTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS HUMANAS