2024-03-202024-03-202024-03-202022-09-15https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/477This work aimed to analyze the use of pesticides in rice plantations in Ipiranga, a village of Igreja Nova, AL, and the impacts generated in the lives of farmers and the environment. Its methodology was composed of two parts, among them a descriptive qualitative research with the completion of a questionnaire and a field visit, in which interviews were conducted with farmers who cultivate rice. When asked about the use of pesticides and the types applied, 100% of respondents said they use such technology, and all use herbicides, 95% use insecticides and 5% use fungicides. About 74% of the interviewees stated that they receive guidance on the use, and the care that should be taken, and the other 26% stated that they do not. When we asked about the storage and disposal of the packages: for the first, 79% stated that they have a specific place for its storage, 16% stated that they have a shed, but not specific for its storage, and 5% stated that they store them in the back of the house; for the second, 5% stated that the packages are collected by the store where they bought the substances, 32% stated that they are collected by the district, 5% stated that they deliver them to one of the aforementioned, 5% keep these packages, 16% throw them in the conventional garbage, 5% keep them, and 37% incinerate them. Regarding the use of some personal protective equipment (PPE), 74% said they used it and 26% said they did not, the most used being: mask (57%), gloves (43%), long pants and closed (43%), long sleeve shirt (29%), boots (21%), hat (21%), and cape (7%). Of those who did, the most common symptoms were: headache (50%), dizziness (50%), skin irritation (37.5%), nausea (25%), chest pain (25%), sleepiness (25%), decreased vision (12.5%), and pain on one side of the body (12.5%). Regarding damage to the environment, 100% of the farmers said that they did not notice any difference in the local vegetation, in the quantity and variety of animal species, and in the quantity and quality of water. In conclusion, farmers use pesticides in their rice fields, even though they have minimal knowledge about their harmful effects. This work suggests the need for public rural assistance policies to make farmers more aware of the use of pesticides in crops.Acesso AbertoFitossanitáriosRizicuturaRiscos de contaminaçãoMeio ambientePercepção do uso de agrotóxicos no cultivo de arroz do povoado Ipiranga, Igreja Nova - ALTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS AGRARIASFITOSSANIDADE