2024-09-102024-09-102024-09-102023-12-13https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/716As society advances, new challenges, increasingly complex, are highlighted, and thus, a closer interaction between Scientific and Technological Innovation Institutions (ICT) and the productive sector becomes more necessary. However, despite the various benefits arising from the collaboration between Scientific and Technological Innovation Institutions (ICT) and the productive sector, there are still several obstacles to overcome for the effective tightening of these relationships. These challenges not only hinder the effectiveness of collaboration but also constitute significant barriers that compromise the quality of processes and projects developed jointly. In this sense, Leonardo et al. (2020) discuss the need for an integrating means (a platform) that can optimize contact and interactions between ICTs and corporations, acting as a facilitating communication resource and, consequently, ensuring that all the benefits of R&D reach ICTs, companies, and society. Thus, this paper proposes a digital platform: Conecta. The proposed solution consists of a dynamic digital showcase that aims to connect the key players in an innovation ecosystem: ICTs, the productive sector, and the government. It will be a space that not only seeks to strengthen relations between companies and Scientific and Technological Institutions (ICTs) but also reduces the time for the allocation of qualified labor in the productive sector.Acesso AbertoPlataforma WebDesenvolvimento de softwareColaboração – ICT– empresasEmpresas – inovação tecnológicaConecta: uma plataforma web para transformar desafios em oportunidades na colaboração entre empresas e meio acadêmicoTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCNPQ : CIÊNCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA : CIÊNCIA DA COMPUTAÇÃO