2024-08-292024-08-292024-08-292023-02-03https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/648This study aimed to analyze the Motivation in Labor Relations at the Municipal Health Secretariat. The objective of this research was to analyze the factors that influence the motivation and satisfaction of public servants of the municipality. Some of the steps to achieve the objectives were to identify the factors that influence the motivation of public servants in the municipality, identify the factors that influence the satisfaction of public servants in the municipality, verify how the motivation of public servants of the municipality occurs, and identify the levels of satisfaction of public servants in the municipality. Therefore, the questionnaire was used as a data collection method, through case studies in order to know how the motivation in the public service occurs. From the data analysis it was possible to realize the importance of motivation in the work of public servants of the Municipal Health Secretariat. Thus, motivation is a challenge for public managers, since having motivated employees is often limited, because No one can motivate anyone. Finally, through a study and the theoretical sources presented, it was possible to understand how the motivational process is important for the satisfaction of public servants in the Municipal Health Department of São José da Laje, since motivated people produce more and work more efficiently. Thus, it has become clear that over the years it is challenging to keep employees motivated as changes are needed to adapt to the new reality. Finally, motivating tools can improve working relationships in the public service.Acesso AbertoMotivaçãoSatisfaçãoTrabalhoImportânciaComportamentoMotivationSatisfactionJobImportanceBehaviorMotivação nas relações de trabalho na esfera Pública: um estudo de caso na Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de São José da Laje – AL.Trabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS