2023-10-242023-10-242023-10-242023-10-06https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/321This work refers to how to introduce maker culture in high school, which brings with it the concept of DIY (do it yourself), which encourages people to take responsibility for their own constructions, repairs and projects, allowing them to learn new skills, express creativity and promote a more conscious lifestyle. Exploratory research into maker culture is a comprehensive and stimulating study that aims to understand and analyze this innovative and growing movement. This study aims to explore and investigate the main aspects of maker culture, including its origins, practices and implications when applied in secondary schools. With this exploratory research, we hope to gain a deeper understanding of the debate and identify the different ways in which maker culture is influencing areas such as education. The maker culture brings several benefits to students who use this tool, such as: improvements in creativity, agility in problem solving, interdisciplinary learning, increased logical reasoning and teamwork. In order to include maker culture in high school as a teaching tool, we must go through some specific objectives such as: using computational tools, building prototypes based on theoretical disciplines and enabling the inclusion of maker culture in education by contributing with manuals, tools and research that provided the basis to explore the hypothesis that if maker culture is used in high school it will bring significant benefits to these students. The research application methodology was carried out using samples of high school students, data collection took place through questionnaires about the benefits brought by the maker culture in their academic life and the student's personal perception of the learning generated. With the qualitative data collected through questionnaires, it was possible to analyze them and observe the results that were significant, highlighting the efficiency of the maker culture introduced in education and the benefits brought by its application.Acesso AbertoEducaçãoDIY (Do it yourself)Cultura Maker – Ensino médioA inclusão da cultura maker no ensino médio como ferramenta didáticaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCNPQ::CIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS