2024-07-232024-07-232024-07-232023-05-22https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/551Due to the growing discussions about the feminist movement, involved, since its conception, in questions arising from religious institutions, as well as about the social roles of women, this research deals with the observation and analysis of the representation constituted about these themes by the Catholic Church, seen its hegemony as an institution of social regulation, as well as the discursive crossings that support it. For this, three videos were selected on the Catholic website Padre Paulo Ricardo, given their popularity and relevance among the Catholic world. The videos were listed based on the search for the words “feminism” and “woman” on the site in question and were divided into excerpts, which were transcribed and analyzed with support from conversation analysis studies. In order to understand the construction of the observed representations, it was essential to base oneself on representation studies, mainly through the authors Serve Moscovici and Stuart Hall, with emphasis on the latter, given his concept of stereotyping. So, the general objective of this work is to analyze the representations constituted by the Catholic Church about feminism and about women and their social roles, observing the discursive crossings that underlie this constitution, and compare them to the feminist representations about the movement itself and about the women. In comparison with the representations of the topics presented by other sources, consonant with feminism, it was verified that the representation of the Church on feminism and on social roles is crossed by political and scientific discourses in addition to the religious one, and also that it is highly stereotyped, conceiving as natural functions that are sociocultural, thus regulating female bodies and lives, while exposing them to concrete dangers.Acesso AbertoFeminismoMulheresReligiãoRepresentaçãoEstereotipagemFeminismWomenReligionRepresentationStereotypingRepresentações do feminismo no discurso religioso: constituições e atravessamentosTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES