2025-02-202025-02-202024-12-20https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/867This report aims to present the experiences and interventions carried out during investigations in the Youth and Adult Education classroom, during the period of observations and regencies in the Pedagogical Residency Program - CAPS, describing the contributions in the teaching-learning process of young and adult students of EJA - Modular in a public school of basic education of the state of Alagoas in the city of Maceió. To carry out the classes that resulted in this research, texts of the memory genre were used as pedagogical proposals, containing narratives that approached the daily lives of the participating students, practical activities carried out during the reading and writing workshops, as pedagogical strategies for the construction and collaboration of participants’ knowledge. The theoretical construction of this work is based on the contributions of: Alagoas, Antunes, Arroyo, Bakhtin, Beth Marcuschi, Brasil, Cafiero, Dolz and Schneuwly, Freire, Gil, Marcuschi, Rojo, Souza, Soares and Todorov. Furthermore, it was noted that the interventions carried out through reading workshops and oral and written productions with the textual genre memory contributed significantly to the students' learning, collaborating in the development of the literacy process of those involved.ptLetras - PortuguêsEducação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA) – Ensino-aprendizagemLetramentoGênero Memóriaeitura e EscritaPrograma Residência Pedagógica – CAPESYouth and Adult EducationLiteracyReading and Writing - Memories.O trabalho com o gênero memória na construção de conhecimentos com os estudantes da EJA: um relato de experiência no Programa Residência PedagógicaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::LETRAS