2023-05-292023-05-292023-05-292021-07-27https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/205It is known that the Quality of Life at Work (QWL) is an important tool to promote the well-being of employees, and of paramount importance for public and private organizations, in the search to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of services provided to society. This study identified the level of satisfaction in the Quality of Life at Work of public servants of the State Department of Transit of Alagoas – DETRAN-AL, based on the principle that it has as its main focus to establish conditions for co-Laborators carry out their activities in a stimulating and healthy environment, in order to obtain good results, through increased productivity on the part of employees. For this, the research is characterized as quantitative, exploratory and bibliographical, for data collection, questionnaires were applied through Google Forms, based on the model developed by Timosse et al.(2009), with the requirements of Walton (1973). The results show that since the implementation of the Quality of Life at Work Headship, activities are related to the recognition of the server, with activities related to physical and mental health, offering courses and training, among other activities. The profile of respondents with a predominance of females, aged between 36 and 45 years, civil servants, with more than 16 years of institution and with specialization level education. In the context of identifying the variables that cause the highest level of dissatisfaction, they are: salary, Plan of Positions and Careers, Classes and Levels, working hours, training offer and incentives for continuing education, these being the ones that deserve the most attention of the institution to promote improvements, in general most of the requirements were evaluated as satisfactory, with emphasis on the journey and workload, offer of technology, resources and equipment, physical environment, performance with the tasks and its varieties, autonomy, use of potential, feedback, and interpersonal relationships, management style, freedom of expression and respect for workers' rights, pride in the work and in the institution, availability of time for social activities, and motivation. The servers also find it necessary to implement the institution's health and safety program, as well as the development of various activities in the QWL segment, they know the actions carried out by the institution and it is necessary to increase the number of participants in the actions carried out. Proposals were presented to improve the points of dissatisfaction with the institution, and the present study was preliminary, allowing the opening for the development of further studies to expand the understanding between work relationships and quality of life.Acesso AbertoQualidade de vida no trabalhoServiço públicoSatisfaçãoQuality of Life at WorkPublic ServantsatisfactionA qualidade de vida em uma instituição pública no Estado de Alagoas: a percepção dos servidores públicosTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS