2024-09-062024-09-062024-09-062023-01-12https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/701This present work is an investigation accomplished in a 6th grade class of the Public Elementary School in the city of Lagoa da Canoa, municipality of Alagoas. Taking as its central theme the digital technologies for science teaching. In this sense, the present work aimed to analyze the use of the Google Earth platform as a pedagogical support in Natural Sciences classes during the Covid-19 pandemic, like this as well as to encourage the use of digital tools for teaching. of science, beyond recognize the importance of water in nature and find ways to facilitate the teacher's work and the students' learning process. The methodology used in this work is characterized by being of the qualitative-interpretative type, through the case study, in which a didactic sequence on the water cycle, that was applied, during the pandemic period in science classes remotely As a way to further improve students' understanding of the topic worked,the Google Earth pla tform was used to show in a practical way through explanatory videos and the simulator avail able within the platform, how the whole process of the water cycle happened The theoretical foundation was based on studies by different authors. The results showed that the methodology used contributed satisfactorily in the teaching-learning process of the students, since it can take the practice through the use of the simulator to them, making them understand how all stages of the water cycle works, showing a lot of curiosity and interest in the content.Acesso AbertoEscola PúblicaTecnologias DigitaisSimuladorCiências NaturaisCiclo da águaPublic SchoolDigital TechnologiesSimulatorNatural SciencesWater cycleTecnologias digitais para o ensino de ciências: relato de caso utilizando o google earthTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS BIOLOGICAS