2024-03-222024-03-222024-03-222022-04-11https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/484Ethanol production in Brazil is mainly from sugarcane. The elaboration of this product - crucial for the national economy - is carried out in the sugar-alcohol plants and for commercialization it is necessary to maintain the quality of production. Therefore, it is essential to monitor the quality at each manufacturing stage. Hence, this report aims to present and describe the lessons that were learned during the internship at CAETÉ S/A MARITUBA plant, producer of ethanol and other sugarcane derivatives, emphasizing the quality parameters related to the production of anhydrous and hydrated ethanol at the plant. Fermented must, feed must, unleavened wine, water, CO2, concentrated milk, treated milk, final honey, vinasse and vat are the samples analyzed in order to maintain the industry parameters. The analyzes include Brix, pH, acidity, conductivity, T.R.S., T.R.R.S., alcohol contente and yeast percentage, which aim at the stability and quality of the final product. The internship triggered the curiosity to learn the role of a chemistry technician at the plant, being of great importance for the consolidation of this professional career.Acesso AbertoEtanolQualidadeParâmetrosEstágioParâmetros de qualidade relacionados à produção de etanol anidro e hidratado na usina Caeté - Unidade MaritubaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoENGENHARIA QUIMICATECNOLOGIA QUIMICAALCOOL