2021-08-232022-01-022021-08-232020-05-20http:// research emerged from the need to offer notions of Brazilian Labour Law in integrated Professional and Technological Education at the intermediate level of the Federal Institute of Alagoas. Although the Federal Institute of Alagoas offers professional education as one of its purposes, it does not include in the curriculum of integrated technical courses at the secondary level the approach of essential concepts of Brazilian Labour rights, such as the basic functioning of a contract, forms of access to Labour Justice and knowledge of institutions responsible for protecting workers, for example. In view of this fact, as well as the opportunity to strengthen the professional and citizen education of students, this research proposed to make said content available through a game, Tripalium, which is a serious game, whose purpose is to promote the learning of contents, by working on the motivation and interest of students in the topic. The research question that leads the study was the following: would a serious game be an appropriate instrument to address notions of Brazilian Labor Law at the Federal Institute of Alagoas? The hypothesis raised was that, yes, because games, in theory, are able to motivate students and, for that, they produce direct reflexes in the attention and interest of learners in the content discussed. Therefore, the research had as a general objective the construction of the referred game, which was accomplished through the realization of four specific objectives: 1) to build a previous organizer, a potentially significant introductory material, based on the principles of Theory of Meaningful Learning, to address the central themes of the notions of Brazilian Labor Law and, thus, to place students / players in the theme; 2) build a prototype for the game; 3) carry out tests on the prototype, with the participation of student volunteers, to identify errors and possible improvements; 4) implement changes based on the suggestions and reviews from student volunteers. This paper is about action research, with a political-social perspective and qualitative approach. The data were collected through a questionnaire, field diary and focus group, and had the primary function of subsidizing the construction and improvement of Tripalium, the educational product resulting from this research. The experiences provided by the production process of Tripalium showed that the game contributed to increase motivation and facilitate the learning of the contents, while also providing fun for the players. Besides that, results indicated that Tripalium served to increase interaction and cooperation between players / students, as well as increasing their participation during the learning process itself.Acesso AbertoEducação ProfissionalJogos PedagógicosEnsinoAprendizagem SignificativaIntegração CurricularConstrução de um serious game para abordagem de noções de direito do trabalho no contexto da educação profissional e tecnológicaDissertaçãoCIENCIAS HUMANAS