2024-03-202024-03-202024-03-202022-03-18https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/478Thus, the objective of this work is to present the production of ethanol from sugarcane (Saccharum spp), its history in Brazil, cost reduction, ethanol production process, types of ethanol and by-products produced. Compared to other countries, Brazil has some advantages in ethanol production, such as mastery of the entire production process, plenty of land, skilled labor and worker safety. Usually, ethanol production involves the following steps: milling, juice treatment, fermentation and distillation and in some cases dehydration processes. The first generation of ethanol is a traditional system that produces ethanol from sugarcane juice, and which still leads the sugar and ethanol industry and its production by-products such as vinasse, bagasse and filter cake, which are of lower cost for the industry. As for anhydrous ethanol, in addition to the aforementioned stages, there is also the dehydration stage. Production is a positive perspective, given the increase in sales of flex-fuel vehicles, increased consumption and exports of sugar and ethanol, increased domestic consumption of anhydrous ethanol and hydrated and expansion of production, in this perspective it was possible to perceive the importance of the study of the sugar-alcohol area to understand how the process that transforms glucose into ethanol is carried out is of paramount importance.Acesso AbertoEtanolCana-de-açúcarProduçãoCana-de-açúcar e a produção de etanolTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoENGENHARIA QUIMICATECNOLOGIA QUIMICAALCOOL