2024-04-092024-04-082024-04-092023-11-11https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/505This research has intentend to investigate the treatment over the debate regarding the indigenous religiosities (shamanism) in the field of public high school, aiming to create an educational product that contributes to the improvement of that treatment, thus strenghning an intercultural and integral pedagoical perspective. The interest in this theme comes from the experience of the researcher in the extension project "The Sacred Nature of Medicinal Plants: promotion of health and cultural tradition of indigenous communities of Alagoas, through the Center of Indigenous and afro-brazilian studies (NEBI/IFAL - Campus Maceió). The project has justified itself as Culture is a mandatory curricular component of the subject Sociology and of the fact that history and indigenous culture are mandatory themes at all levels of education, as determined by the Act nº 11.645/2008. The relevance of this study has been revealed through the analysis of the historical violence perpetrated against indigenous people and their culture. This violence is due to colonialism and coloniality, which have direct and indirect implications on teaching materials and pedagocical perspectives. This work has been conducted from the hermeneutic-dialectic theoretical-methodological perspectives and the theoretical perspective of intercultural and integral education. In addition, bibliographical references from the fields of Social Sciences were used, which provided important reflections on the topic. The investigation uses methodological strategies of bibliographic and qualitative research, guided by the methods of action-research and oral memory. To this end, data collection techniques were used through questionnaires and semi-structured interviews and Bardin's content analysis technique. The locus of the research was the Maceió Campus, where the educational product was applied and validated as a possibility of teaching resource for inclusive practices in the Sociology curricular component in the Integrated High School. The main results achieved in the diagnostic phase were the constatation of the lack of knowledge, by the majority of students, about the culture, especially in indigenous religiosities; the lack of debate regarding the topic; the lack of teaching materials that deal with the topic; and the lack of educational training of the teachers, in a integral and intercultural perspective. In relation to the evaluation phase of the Educational Product, it was observed that the content of the teaching material improved the knowledge about indigenous culture and religiosity, contributed to the inclusion and expansion of the study on the topic and contributed to the construction of teaching material to be used in the context of Integrated High School.Acesso AbertoEducação IntegralEducação InterculturalReligiosidadeXamanismo.integrated secondary educationcomprehensive educationintercultural educationreligiositiesshamanism.Do xamanismo ancestral ao contemporâneo: o debate sobre as religiosidades/espiritualidades xamanismo indígenas no ensino médio integradoDissertaçãoCNPQ::CIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAO