2023-05-162023-05-162023-05-162022-02-22https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/189The present study has the general objective of reflecting on hybrid teaching and active strategies and methodologies as important pedagogical proposals in the face of current technological demands for the new high school; in addition to specific objectives such as: identifying active methodological strategies that positively impact the learning process of students in emergency remote teaching; encourage teachers and students to develop the ability to absorb content in an autonomous and participatory manner; present educational references on active methodologies, address how hybrid education can use active methodologies in the classroom, enabling the teaching and learning process to become more effective in the student's school life. For its development, a research was carried out on articles published in the last ten years, covering the years 2012 to 2022, and the application of a questionnaire with pedagogues who coordinate teams of teachers in Secondary and Technical Education to understand how schools and teachers are being prepared to deal with active technologies in the classroom. It was observed that hybrid teaching and the presence of new technologies are already a reality in the schools surveyed, but greater investment in continuing teacher training and technological equipment is essential for active methodologies under the new information and communication technologies. – ICTs are routine in the educational environment.Acesso AbertoMetodologia ativaEnsino híbridoEstratégia educacionalNovas tecnologias educacionaisActive methodologyBlended teachingEducational strategyNew educational technologiesEstratégias metodológicas ativas para o novo ensino médio com adoção da educação híbridaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS HUMANAS