2024-08-152024-08-152024-08-152023-12-20https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/610This article presents a discussion regarding the impacts of environmental education actions developed by the Piauí River Basin Committee, Alagoas, and its impact on the local community. The work was prepared based on a bibliographical survey in books, scientific articles, dissertations and theses, as well as through documentary analysis in Minutes of Committee meetings and reports obtained during field visits to schools, departments and institutions, in order to identify which were the actions in environmental education and how they occurred. Based on these procedures, we sought to reflect on the process of environmental education and community involvement with the aim of contributing to a theoretical- methodological discussion of the environmental education actions developed by the Committee, incorporating the public sphere as a stage for actions of environmental education. The perception obtained is that the Piauí River Committee treats environmental education actions based on problematizing the relationship between the local community and water resources. However, despite having formed a partnership with some institutions, it has difficulties in carrying out its environmental education actions due to the lack of support from municipal managers and other component institutions in the basin, which interferes with the protection of water resources and distances the community from the spaces of discussion and decision.Acesso AbertoComitê de Bacia HidrográficaEducação AmbientalAções AmbientaisRio Piauí AlagoasRiver Basin CommitteeEnvironmental educationEnvironmental ActionsPiauí River – Alagoas, BrazilComitê da bacia da região hidrográfica do rio Piauí: o processo de educação ambiental e envolvimento da comunidadeTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoOUTROS