2024-08-262024-08-262024-08-262021-12-17https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/636This work intends to discuss the importance and contribution of the Comic book’s genre in the instruction of readers and in encouraging the practice of reading in Portuguese language classes, in the final grades of elementary school. The research was realized in a municipal public school, located in the Rocha Cavalcante district, União dos Palmares-AL, in which results were collected through questionnaires and observation in the classrooms of the 6th grade “B”, 7th grade “A", 8th grade "A" and 9th grade "A". After all the information collected, there was analysis and discussion of the results,it was possible to see that the comic book really is in a great tool that can qualitatively contribute to the teaching and learning process and to the development of reading practice, through the fact of being a very rich textual genre, involving text and image, capable of awakening in the subject the pleasure of the act of reading, making the student a competent reader. Therefore, for there to be motivation in classes and participation of students, it is necessary that teachers involve activities in their methodologies that lead them to relate the class to their reality, because when working with elements that are part of their daily lives, learning becomes meaningful. Thus, it is possible to affirm that the comic books must be present in the educational environment, contributing to the formation of readers.Acesso AbertoHistória em QuadrinhosLeituraLeitorGênero TextualComic bookTextual GenreReadingReaderA contribuição das histórias em quadrinhos na formação de leitoresTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES