2022-09-052022-09-052022-01-14http:// this work, whose theme is “The marks of orality in writing in texts of students from the ninth grade of elementary school”, we sought to understand if the influence of orality can be considered intrinsic to the process of learning to write. For this, it was necessary to identify, through the orality/writing relationship, the regularity and prevalence of speech marks in the texts produced by the students, to understand how phonetic-phonological-orthographic phenomena are manifested in written productions and to analyze a unit of the textbook under the prism of work with orality. The texts studied were written spontaneously, with concrete subsidies to work with the variation of the language in use. With this method, it was concluded that the presence of orality in the writing of these texts is remarkable.Acesso AbertoOralidadeEscritaFonéticaFonologiaOralityWritingPhoneticsPhonologySpontaneous textMarcas da oralidade na escrita de textos de alunos do 9º ano do ensino fundamentalTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES