2023-08-162023-07-162023-08-162022-12-20https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/264The present work presents the results of an inspection that aims to identify whether the textbooks approved by the National Book and Didactic Material Program for the year 2021 (PLND), and which are used in regular high schools, are successful in addressing the subject of links chemistry, and if they have in their structure pedagogical proposals and visual didactic resources that enable effective and meaningful learning for deaf students who use the book in the classroom. We sought to identify whether the conceptual development of the theme, the presentation, and the graphic proposal of the textbook contribute to making the book more accessible to the deaf community. Based on the results obtained, possible alternatives were speculated with the potential to make the approach to the subject of chemical bonds in textbooks more adapted to the teaching and learning needs of deaf students who are included in regular schools.Acesso AbertoEnsino de QuímicaLivros didáticosSurdezInclusãoTeaching ChemistryDidatic booksDeafnessInclusionA acessibilidade nos livros didáticos: o ensino de ligações químicas para surdosTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA