2024-03-202024-03-202024-03-202021-12-17https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/474Simulation within the industry consists of defining, thinking about formulating, developing a functional specification, which cannot be applied in different situations. This work presents, through a literature review, the importance of simulation for the sugar and ethanol industry and addresses points for this industry, with an increasingly fierce confrontation by the productive sector in the globalized market. The method can be a powerful ally, including many automation and control benefits of all methods of global leveling up and expansion in efficiency parameters. A complete automated system generates a high degree of investment, but provides long-term benefits. It appears that most of the tools produced have already adopted alternative methods of using resources, equipment and planning and process control needs aimed at optimizing processes and products. It is expected that the method will be formalized within the sugar-alcohol industry, so that the procedures and processes are systematized in the manipulation and transformation of, helping to strengthen the production planning manipulation methods, decisions in the information manipulation process work tool option.Acesso AbertoIndustria sucroalcooleiraSimulaçãoAutomaçãoControleProdutividadeImportância da simulação para a eficiência de produção na indústria sucroalcooleiraTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoEngenharia Química.