2023-06-122023-06-072023-06-122019-10-10https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/221The present work proposes a preliminary study in the psychology office of psychoanalytic approach, obtaining a new layout as a final product, constructed from the functional and aesthetic principles applicable to the interior designer, in order to contemplate the possible aspects that establish comfort in the environment. It is known that the search for offices comes from the growth of mental disorders caused by several factors: anxiety, excess technological information, work overloads, violence, self-collection, affective issues and others. From then on, the question of the research arises, how the designer can materialize the desires of the professional in his work environment. For the problem, in view of the studies, we used the hypothesis that many spaces in the area of psychology are not designed and/or planned for environmental comfort. It is understood the relevance in adapting such spaces of continuous and preventive treatments, aiming at mutual satisfaction, well-being for customers and professionals, after all are poorly explored environments. Therefore, studies on the conception of psychoanalysis and its contribution to the area of psychology were deepened, as well as the contribution of the interior designer to compose such spaces. The methodological routes were: bibliographic research in books, electronic sources; interview with the professional to collect data about his profile, work routine and comfort in the office, through an adapted semi-structured script; cadastral and photographic surveys of the space; survey and analysis of the elements that define the project of comfort of the office, for later execution; creation of briefing, needs program, creative processes, organization charts, flowcharts, zoning, low leiaute plant, views, perspectives for project development; and finally, the project - preliminary study. Abnt standards were used as a reference and the manual of Anvisa 2014, which directs comfort to health facilities, since there is little use in consulted publications. The results after the application of the knowledge of interior designer was the obtaining of an inviting environment, lighter, cozy, pleasant, in such a way that preserves the identity of the professional, as well as welcomes his clients in his uniquenessAcesso AbertoDesigner de interioresPsicologia ambientalErgonomiaEscritório de psicologiaProposta de um estudo preliminar no consultório de pscicologia de abordagem psicanalíticaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCNPQ::OUTROS::DESENHO DE PROJETOS