2023-12-282023-12-282023-12-282023-09-20https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/342This article aimed to propose a pedagogical intervention at the Benedito Bentes Campus of the Federal Institute of Alagoas, based on data gathered from interviews conducted with the Coordinator and a Professor of the "Technical Course in Logistics." The intervention involves incorporating an expository lesson into the course subject "Organizational Behavior," focusing on the essentiality of overcoming ableist paradigms regarding the presence of individuals with disabilities in the workplace. The approach utilized a qualitative case study method, with a bibliographic survey referencing authors Lanchotti (2005), Lippo (2012), Leite (2012), and Mello (2016), as well as field research involving interviews with the Coordinator and a Professor from the mentioned course. The collected data underwent analysis using an inductive method during the academic year of 2023. The interviewees revealed that a significant challenge lies in breaking entrenched ableist paradigms rooted in society's history, as an individual's development transcends institutional capacities, encompassing various aspects such as physical (or physiological), emotional, spiritual, and complex domains including family, social, socioeconomic contexts, among others.Acesso AbertoPessoas com DeficiênciaCapacitismoEnsinoPeople with disabilitiesAbleismTeachingSuperação de paradigmas capacitistas e das barreiras atitudinais inerentes à inclusão da pessoa com deficiênciaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIÊNCIAS HUMANAS