2023-03-302023-03-302023-03-302022-11-21https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/158In this paper, it is about the comparison between the interaction diagrams for columns subjected to straight composite bending, using the two methods of analysis allowed by NBR 6118:2014, which are parabola-rectangle diagram and simplified rectangular diagram. For this, an algorithm was developed in Mathcad prime 7, for verification of rectangular columns with reinforcement distributed symmetrically along the faces, already the reliability of the algorithm was tested by TQS software (version 22.12) student, where the interaction diagrams were compared. For this purpose, the rectangle parabola diagram was used, which is the one that TQS uses. A constant section with symmetric reinforcement was adopted, the concrete strength classes were varied from C20 to C50 MPa, and the deformation domain between domains 1, 3/4 (between the end of domain 3 and the beginning of domain 4) and 5. A comparison with the professional program shows that the results are very close. The same study cited above was used to obtain the results of the comparison between the interaction diagrams, already mentioned here at the beginning of the summary, what changed were the resistant moments analyzed in the two directions, around the x-axis of greater inertia and the y-axis of less inertia and the deformation domains were varied between domains 3, 4, 4a and 5. The results showed that the rectangular diagram generates greater moment, compared to the results obtained using the parabola-rectangle diagram, the differences between them were maximum 11.38% at the beginning of domain 5 for the data studied, which justifies the permission of the use of the rectangular diagram by several standards.Acesso AbertoDiagrama de InteraçãoFlexão Composta RetaDiagramas Tensão e Deformação do ConcretoInteraction DiagramStraight Compound FlexionConcrete Stress and Deformation DiagramsComparação entre diagramas de interação de resistências para verificação de pilares submetidos à flexão composta reta utilizando os diagramas parábola retângulo e o retangular simplificadoTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoENGENHARIAS