2024-03-072024-03-032024-03-072022-09-13https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/437With industrial and urban development, human actions have been causing a great degradation in water resources. Environmental indicators, such as sediments, are important in the analysis of the degree of contamination of the aquatic ecosystem, since they can be considered as the memory of a river due to its ability to store information. In this perspective, the present work analyzed the phosphoru concentration in the superficial sediments of the Piauí River, by UV-Vis spectrometry, in addition to the analysis of physical-chemical parameters of the water, aiming to indicate possible impacts such as eutrophication. The results showed that the phosphorus concentrations obtained were not significant to cause an environmental imbalance with the accumulation of this nutrient. Despite this, the analysis of the physical-chemical parameters of the water, carried out in this research, it was not possible to prove possible dangerous substances that may be present in the water body. In this way, it is necessary to carry out more detailed physical-chemical analyzes over the years, understanding the behavior of the Piauí River and possible causes that influence its characteristics.Acesso AbertoFósforoSedimentosBacia hidrográficaFósforo em sedimentos superficiais no rio Piauí - ALTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoQuímica.