2024-02-152024-02-152024-02-152023-10-21https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/364the application of therapeutic communication in nursing care plays an essential role in providing quality healthcare to patients, especially in the psychiatric field. Objective: given that the initial contact between the health professional and the patient often occurs through supervised internships during the professional course, the central aim of this work is to create a pedagogical intervention plan in the context of mental health within a healthcare environment, to portray the health internship as a facilitator for learning therapeutic communication techniques in a nursing technician course. Method: the proposal involves the implementation of educational material based on Maguida Stefanelli's studies on therapeutic communication, which will be used in an internship location affiliated with the educational institution responsible for the nursing technician course. The approach will be both theoretical and practical, allowing students not only to perform relevant health procedures but also have a space to discuss the matter privately with the instructor and other members of the internship. Expected results: through this pedagogical intervention proposal during a curricular health internship, it is expected that students achieve a correlation between theoretical and practical knowledge on the topic, developing technical skills complementary to the scientific knowledge acquired in the classroom, thus contributing to their professional performance with greater security, identification and efficiency in the field of nursing and in society as a whole.Acesso AbertoEstágio curricular em saúde - Intervenção pedagógicaEducação em enfermagemRelações enfermeiro paciente.O estágio em saúde como facilitador do aprendizado das técnicas de comunicação terapêuticaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCNPQ::CIENCIAS DA SAUDE