2023-04-282023-04-282023-04-282022-02-18https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/172The Covid-19 pandemic has generated major challenges in education. In the field of health, in joint action with education, one of the numerous efforts made by health authorities to prevent the spread of the virus causing Covid-19 (2019-nCoV) was to promote a safe return to face-to-face education, observing the due cautions to health security. In this pandemic context, the objectives of the present study were established, which is intended to present a methodological proposal for a continuing education course for professional training of general services hygienists of the Federal Institute of Alagoas (IFAL), focusing on improving knowledge and competencies in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. To achieve the proposed objective, the methodological resources of action research based on the critical-reflexive perspective were used. In this sense, the present study was elaborated in five stages, including: situational diagnosis (stage I), preparation of the course plan (stage II), dissemination and sensitization (step III), continuous training (step IV) and analysis of the satisfaction of the target audience. In the situational diagnosis, there was no minimum technological resources and skills of the participants for the use of online tools, adopting the modality of face-to-face teaching. Of the nineteen (19) participants, seven (7) answered the questionnaire, of which four (4) considered themselves satisfied with the action and one (1) was very dissatisfied. Further studies are recommended to gather elements necessary for the basis of professional practice.Acesso AbertoEducação continuadaCompetência profissionalPlanos de contingênciaCOVID-19Contenção de riscos biológicosEducation ContinuingProfessional CompetenceContingency PlansCOVID-19Containment of BiohazardsSaberes e competências dos higienistas de serviços gerais frente à pandemia de covid-19: uma proposta metodológica de formação continuadaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS