2021-08-242022-01-022021-08-242020-08-28http:// Dissertation is from a research that contemplates the development and evaluation process of the Educational Product (PE) “Didactic Sequence: proposal to approach the themes HIV and AIDS in technical courses of medium level in Work Safety”. The general objective of the study was to develop a Didactic Sequence (DS) to approach the themes HIV and AIDS in technical courses of medium level in Work Safety with a view to the educational practice aimed at professional qualification and preparation for the exercise of citizenship. The research has a qualitative approach and the study method is that of collaborative action research. The research instruments used were subject questionnaires, satisfaction questionnaires and reflective diaries. The developed DS was assessed using descriptive aspectos by teachers of a subsequent technical course of secondary level in Work Safety. The investigative question that guides the work is "how do teachers of a subsequent high school technical course in Work Safety evaluate a proposal for approaching the issues of HIV and AIDS aimed at the production of didactic and pedagogical materials by the technicians in training?". The results are the positive judgment of the DS by the collaborator-evaluators, and there were also points evaluated in a neutral way by one of the evaluators, among the twenty items / aspects of the material, and no item / aspect was negatively evaluated. The participation of teachers in the appreciation and evaluation process of DS was shown as a contribution to the professional development of teachers. As a conclusion, it is understood that the developed SD is configured as a tool to address the themes HIV and AIDS, in technical courses of medium level in Work Safety with a view to the development of professional skills and the construction of knowledge necessary to citizenship exercise. Other conclusions from the research are: i) teaching in Vocational and Technological Education is conditioned by political issues and different theoretical perspectives; ii) the Federal Institutes propose to train the subjects in full, motivating the performance of teachers and their pedagogical practices in line with the principles of omnilaterality; iii) the development of a EP, within the scope of teacher training, must be provided to meet the specificities of VTE in the Federal Education Network by teachers of the EBTT career.Acesso AbertoEducação Profissional e TecnológicaProduto EducacionalSequência DidáticaHIV/ AIDSEnsinoDesenvolvimento de sequência didática como produto educacional: os temas HIV e AIDS em módulos de aprendizagemDissertaçãoCIENCIAS HUMANAS