2023-05-312023-05-312023-05-312022-11-24https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/211The present work proposes to reflect on the use of bicycles on public roads. Starting from the postulate that it is necessary to consider that the layout of the physical space somehow represents the position of the bicycle in the social space. In order to understand this disposition, both the political-institutional history will be taken into account, also considering the installed infrastructure, as well as moral and emotional aspects, which influence the understandings that determine the material and behavioral disposition of the social world. The work demonstrates that the establishment of new bike lanes/lanes, the increase in cyclists and campaigns to encourage the use of bicycles have required a change in the pattern of behavior during displacements. Such change does not happen in a harmonious way, because both in the streets and in public institutions there is a conflicting scenario. In this aspect, the action of the city's collectives is fundamental, because in addition to constituting moral communities, it produces public constraints that contribute to remodeling behaviors.Acesso AbertoMobilidadeCiclistasBicicletasViasMobilityCyclistsBicyclesWaysMobilidade urbana: a importância de vias seguras para o ciclista utilizar a bicicleta em vias públicasTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS