2024-03-042023-03-042024-03-042023-06-15https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/401The present work is an applied research with a descriptive-explanatory character, with a view to describing in which literary school is found the work Campesinas, by Alcina Leite, according to the analysis of her poems. The main objective of this work is to classify the poetic work of Alcina Leite, in a national literary school, namely: romanticism, parnassianism or symbolism. In order to fulfill our objective, the research was developed through the hypothetical-deductive method which, by nature, is a method that foresees the use of bibliographic reference, we can affirm that our investigation will take place through the monographic method, specifically as a bibliographical research. Therefore, the research corpus was analyzed considering the theme, characteristics and historical context in which the poet produced her poems. Therefore, we use as a theoretical basis (i) The concepts of metering and rhyming in verses followed by the metering theory presented by Bandeira (1960), Duque-Estrada (1914), Bilac and Passos (1905) and Said Ali (1999); (ii) the literary schools of Romanticism, Parnassianism and Symbolism, based on what is proposed by literary critics such as Candido (2001), Bosi (2017) and Moisés (2003), in order to better understand what is expected of poems produced in each of these areas and, from then on, answer the following question: in which literary school in Brazil is Alcina Leite's literary production found?Acesso AbertoLiteratura alagoana.Alcina LeiteClassificação literáriaVersificaçãoPoesia AlagoanaLiterature from AlagoasAlcina LeiteLiterary classificationScansionVersificationAlagoas poetryEm qual escola literária do Brasil se encontra a produção literária de Alcina Leite?Trabalho de Conclusão de CursoCNPQ::LINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES