2023-12-052023-12-052023-12-052023-11-01https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/337Photoprotection aims to reduce skin exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun, helping to combat sunburn, premature aging, and even skin cancer. Sunscreens are substances capable of absorbing, reflecting or refracting UV and thus protecting the skin. The effectiveness of these products is measured through the sun protection factor (SPF), which indicates how much the photoprotective formulation is capable of protecting an individual from this radiation. Currently, the search and use of plant bioactives to protect the skin from the adverse effects of solar radiation has increased significantly, due to the diversity of organic compounds produced by plants, which have the capacity to stabilize free radicals, especially phenolic compounds, which have chromophores in its structure, which promote the absorption of radiation at wavelengths compatible with UV rays, proving suitable for the composition of solar filters, enhancing skin protection. Physalis angulata L. (camapu) belongs to the Solanaceae family and occurs mainly in the North and Northeast regions of Brazil, where it is used in folk medicine as an anti-inflammatory and in the treatment of skin problems. The present work aimed to verify the photoprotective potential of extracts from parts of the camapu plant, and to analyze the FPS behavior of a commercial sunscreen solution “FPS 30” when incorporated with these active ingredients, through in vitro analysis, of the spectrophotometric method. The results obtained demonstrated photoprotective activity of camapu flower and leaf extracts, obtaining FPS values equal to 21.38 and 7.15, respectively, at a concentration of 300 ppm, and allowed us to visualize the effectiveness of the leaf extract as a chemical sunscreen. when it comes to a photoprotective formulation. Therefore, it was concluded that the Physalis Angulata L. leaf extract associated with the photoprotective formulation enhanced the activity of the formulation, increasing its FPS by up to 40.97%, which suggests its indication for use in sunscreens, in addition to reduce production costs, knowing that natural raw materials tend to be cheaper.Acesso AbertoFotoproteçãoFator de Proteção SolarPhysalis Angulata L.Compostos fenólicosPhotoprotectionSolar protection factorPhenolic compoundsEstudo in vitro da atividade e eficácia fotoprotetora de extratos de camapu (Physalis angulata L.)Trabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA