2024-12-032024-12-032022https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/788The research aims to investigate the presence of the gender theme in the technical professional training of secondary level at the Campus of the Federal Institute of Alagoas. The research that has as research subjects the teaching staff and administrative technicians of the Campus and the students of the third period of the Subsequent Technical courses, is characterized as a qualitative study of the Action Research type with a collaborative nature. In the first stage, data collection was carried out through the application of a semi-structured questionnaire applied to the teaching staff and administrative technicians of the Campus in order to identify the perception of these subjects about the concept of gender, the existence of situations related to the theme and whether or not to teach content related to gender issues in subsequent technical courses in which they work. The second stage of the study, which started to involve the students by holding dialogic meetings with the researcher (conversation circles) to discuss the theme, was accompanied by the development of an educational product that aims to promote spaces for dialogue and debate on gender and work issues within the Campus, given that the theme is not part of the contents provided for in the curricular components of the Subsequent Technicians Courses. By inserting the debate and the study on the reproduction of gender issues in the daily life of the Campus, an Exhibition Guide was structured that puts on screen the gender problems experienced by students, at school and in the world of work, which sensitizes the local community, create healthier environments for coexistence and teaching-learning and serve as a model of educational activity that can be carried out by administrative technicians or teachers, through isolated initiatives or teaching projects, in different units of the Federal Network of Vocational and Technological Education. The educational product, in the form of an Exhibition Guide, based on an educational and pedagogical perspective based on dialogicity and that values experiences and knowledge of students, administrative technicians and teachers, seeks to build a space from which problem situations collected during the wheels conversations serve as a starting point for educational and attitudinal practices that give visibility to the problem of the reproduction of gender relations and, in particular, contribute to the reduction and overcoming of gender inequalities and present the possibilities of social insertion and intellectual potential and productive of women.ptGêneroTrabalho educativoEducação Profissional e TecnológicaCursos Técnicos SubsequentesEnsino.A presença da temática gênero na formaçãoe do profissional técnico de nível médioDissertaçãoCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAO