2023-07-242023-07-242023-07-242022-03-14https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/240The present study consists of documental research that turns to the analysis of data from the School Census regarding the distribution of teachers — organized by type of contract — in the Alagoas state education system and the analysis of the public notices of simplified selection processes (PSS) carried out to hire temporary teachers in the period between 2011 and 2020. The problem that arises is to understand what is the predominant type of employment contract signed with the Alagoas state public administration, seeking to reveal the trends in the hiring models of the aforementioned system and how these trends are articulated to the general tendency of the capitalist accumulation process under the aegis of productive restructuring, which in the public service presents itself as the face of the paradigm of the “New Public Management”. From the path taken, five PSS notices were found, which were submitted to a process of analysis and categorization. Statistical data from the School Census were systematized and analyzed. With this, it was observed that there is a tendency in the Alagoas state education system to hire teachers predominantly through temporary contracts. It was even noted that since 2015, the Alagoas state system has been working with more than half of its faculty on a temporary employment relationship basis. This practice constitutes a deviation from the Federal Constitution, it contradicts the National Education Plan and state legislation, but this is not what will be focused on. Here, we sought to locate this practice in the context of the general trend of flexibilization and precariousness of labor relations in the public sector. With this, it was noticed that the public administration of Alagoas does not escape the flexibilization tendency of work imposed by the new stage of the capitalist accumulation process: flexible accumulation.Acesso AbertoReestruturação produtiva do capitalNova Gestão PúblicaFlexibilização do trabalhoTrabalho docente temporárioProductive restructuring of capitalNew Public ManagementWork flexibility. Temporary teaching jobSer professor temporário no Estado de Alagoas: tendências à flexibilização e precarização do trabalho docenteTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA