2024-02-272023-02-262024-02-272023-10978-65-86901-74-0https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/385The present paper aims to analyze the teacher profile of the instructors who participated in a Maker Education training offered by the Federal Institute of Alagoas (Ifal), and worked between the months of May and June 2022, in practical, technological and innovative short courses within the scope of the Espaço 4.0 project. The Espaço 4.0 project consists of six maker environments built in a custom container, equi- pped with 3D printers, computers, drones (quadcopters), Educational Robotics and Internet of Things kits, tools and instruments; with a focus on training young people aged between 15 and 29 in Industry 4.0 enabling technologies. The maker training carried out by the instructors consisted of addressing content related to active methodologies,maker culture, digital resources, design thinking and prototyping. The instructors who participated in the training effectively started activities related to the courses from May 2022. Methodologically, this research is exploratory and qualitative in nature, focusing on the analysis of the initial questionnaire applied to the teachers who participated in the maker training for the courses that took place simultaneously in Espaços 4.0 distributed in six Ifal campuses. The initial results presen- ted show that most instructors have a degree of specialization and do not have experience in teaching, with pedagogical practice in Espaços 4.0 being the first teacher contact with students, in a formal education experience. Finally, limitations related to the Hard Skills of the instructors, the potential for internalizing the pillars of the maker culture (creativity, collaboration, sustainability and scalability) and digital skills with handling the innovative technologies available in Spaces 4.0 were identified, which enhances the importance to promote continuing education, based on maker aspects, to help professional performance in these innovative spaces.Acesso AbertoCultura MakerEducação MakerEspaço 4.0Perfil ProfissionalFormação de Professores,Maker CultureMaker EducationEspaço 4.0Teacher TrainingProfessional ProfileEspaços 4.0 e a educação maker: mapeamento do perfil do docente para atuar em cursos de qualificação tecnológicaCapítulo de LivroDOI: 10.46943/VIII.CONEDU.2022.GT19.029CNPQ::CIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAOCNPQ::CIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA