2023-10-232023-10-232023-10-232023-09-30https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/318This work presents a proposal for a pedagogical intervention on the importance of environmental education in the Technical Course in Environment in the municipality of Marechal Deodoro-AL, developed in the specialization course in Teaching for Professional and Technological Education – DocentEPT, at the Federal Institute of Alagoas. Over the years, the effects of human actions have raised concern about environmental issues and the way in which man interferes with nature. The theme of environmental education has gained strength and support from governments, generating concern about how to use natural resources in a conscious and healthy way. Thus, the present study aimed to propose improvements in the instruction of the Environmental Education subject, as well as present some difficulties faced by the teacher who teaches it. The proposed pedagogical intervention will be carried out through a field lesson with the class, culminating in the creation of a digital mural in the format of a folder, in order to propose solutions for the environmental impacts observed by the students. The methodology applied in this work consisted of a bibliographical research on the topic under study, and the preparation and application of an online questionnaire with the teacher who teaches the Environmental Education discipline. As for the results, it is expected to increase the performance of the classes, and prove the students' ability to relate what they learned theoretically with practice, and finally add knowledge to future technicians in the Environment, so that they can be protagonists in solve problems, in an environmental and professional context.Acesso AbertoIntervenção pedagógica – Aula de campoImpactos ambientaisEducação ambientalA importância da Educação Ambiental no Curso de Técnico em Meio Ambiente em Marechal Deodoro - ALTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCNPQ::CIENCIAS HUMANAS