2024-08-292024-08-292024-08-292023-04-27https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/647Water scarcity is a problem that has been worrying the world, considering that water is a necessary good for the survival of all life on earth. Brazil is a privileged country in terms of the abundance of this good, but its poor distribution ended up creating a problem for part of the Northeast region of the country, which suffers from long droughts and irregular rainfall during the year, and which is supplied with water from cisterns or water from artesian wells. Bearing in mind that these waters do not have ideal potability for consumption due to their high salinity level, there was a need to find viable solutions for residents of the northeastern semi-arid region. In this way, a solar desalination plant was built using materials from construction waste, and improvements were made to improve its efficiency. The desalinator presented excellent results regarding water treatment, reducing by more than 99% of the total solids present in the water, and with efficiency of up to 53.33% of desalinated water, being 32.81% more efficient than the results obtained in a study used as a reference.Acesso AbertoDessalinizadorEficiênciaTecnologia SocialDesalterEfficiencySocial TechnologyConstrução e caracterização de um dessalinizador solar usando tecnologias socioambientais em Marechal Deodoro-ALTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoOUTROS