2024-03-072024-03-072024-03-072022-04-19https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/411Present work aims to show all stages of manufacturing and importance of cement. Cement is the most used material created by man in the world, so we can see that its existence is very important for the development of a society through the construction of basic sanitation, houses, schools, etc. Cement is linked to all this, where it is basically produced from limestone and clay materials, which are extracted from nature through mining, going to the industry by road transport until reaching the destination where it is stored in piles. This form of storage already makes a homogenization of the materials, transforming it into agical, then it is taken to the mills for crushing, reducing granulometry of agical until it becomes a fine flour called raw flour. This material is transported to be heated in the cyclone tower where it goes to a blast furnace, raising its temperature even more. Then there is the formation of clinker. This is because the high temperature causes a pre-fusion of raw flour, leaving it in the form of small stones that will later be crushed in a mill. At this stage, additives are added according to cement specifications, such as iron ore, blast furnace slag, gypsum, among others. Everything is ground and stored in silos so the product can be bagged or sold in bulk.Acesso AbertoDesenvolvimento do cimentoFabricação do cimentoCimentoProcesso de fabricação do cimentoTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoEngenharias.