2024-09-032024-09-032024-09-032024-02-06https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/684Genetics in its essence seeks to awaken the student's investigative approach, being an important scientific literacy tool. Traditionally, pedagogical practices for teaching Genetics in basic education focus on expository classes, reproduction of concepts and solving exercises to validate learning. The distancing of the learning methodology is reflected in the students' difficulty in contextualizing interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary themes in Genetics, such as the concept of race, skin color and their impacts on the theme of ethnic-racial diversity. In this sense, the use of active methodologies aims to modify this scenario through teaching strategies focused on student protagonism and promoting scientific literacy. Among the various methodological strategies, problem-based learning (PBL) stands out as an important alternative for teachers, due to the investigative sense inherent to the teaching approach. In this methodology, the problem is the fundamental point of the teaching process and the student must develop the ability to develop hypotheses, test, collect data, discuss and make decisions, apply their knowledge to solve it. Based on this problem, this study aims to develop an intervention proposal consisting of a didactic sequence using the PBL methodology for teaching ethnic-racial themes in the final years of Elementary School. The study is qualitative in nature, as described in objective. To plan the didactic sequence, the learning concepts advocated by Lev Vygotsky (1896-1934), learning through experience, by John Dewey (1859-1952), meaningful learning by David Ausubel (1918-2008), as well as the Freire's perspective on autonomy (Paulo Freire, 1921-1997).Acesso AbertoEnsino por investigaçãoCiências NaturaisMetodologias ativasGenéticaEnsino transversalDiversidade étnico-racialResearch-based teachingNatural SciencesActive methodologiesGeneticsAprendizagem baseada em problematização para ensino de genética na educação básica: uma sequência didáticaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS HUMANAS