2023-08-232023-08-232023-08-232022-05-02https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/267In the present research, the reading experiences of students entering the in Language Course during their schooling in Basic Education will be addressed, with a view to the way these subjects self-evaluate as readers in the context of Higher Education. The general objective of this work is to understand the literary literacy processes of students entering the Licentiate in Letters Course; and the specific objectives are i) to investigate how the literacy process of students occurred prior to entering the Course in question; ii) identify the main difficulties of students in relation to literary reading; iii) reflect on the importance of literary literacy in Basic Education. The methodology used is the bibliographic review with a qualitative approach, supported by analysis of the productions of reading memories written by students of the Course on screen. In order to emphasize the social and historical process of these teachers in initial training in relation to literary literacy, as well as to base our research, we take as a basis Cosson (2018), which deals with literary literacy, as well as with regard to the theoretical- practical relationship in activities with literary texts in Basic Education, from the treatment of literature by teachers and students. Other theoretical references used for the construction of reflections on the subject are from Kleiman (2004), Minayo (1995) and Street (2014). The results of the analyzes carried out point to the importance of literature being worked from elementary school so that students become critical- reflective subjects in their socially diversified language practices.Acesso AbertoLetramentoLetramentoLeitura literáriaAnálise linguístico- literáriaLiteracyLiterary memoryLiterary readingLinguistic-literary analysisAnálise linguístico-literária do gênero memórias de leitura elaborado por licenciandos do curso de letrasTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES