2024-03-112023-03-112024-03-112022-04-20https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/443Sulfites are classified as food additives that act by inhibiting spoilage caused by bacteria, fungi and yeasts in acidic foods and by inhibiting enzymatic and non- enzymatic browning reactions during processing and storage. Moisture determination is an important quality parameter, as the moisture content of a food product affects the storage and marketing of the product. Food acidity analysis is recommended for a large number of foods such as milk, coconut milk, grated coconut, oil, vinegar, fruit products, etc. an indicator of its state of conservation. This report aims to describe the main practical activities developed during the supervised curricular internship. It is verified that the analyzes carried out during the internship period are in accordance with the expected current standards. The results obtained from the analysis of sulphite, moisture and acidity of the moist and sweetened grated coconut were satisfactory, with an average of 233.80 ppm of sulphite; 6.0% to 7.0% moisture; and 3.5% to 4.0% acidity.Acesso AbertoEstágio curricularSulfitoUmidadeAcidezAnáliseAnálises laboratoriais do coco raladoTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCNPQ::ENGENHARIAS::ENGENHARIA QUIMICA