2023-07-242023-07-242023-07-242022-02-21https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/239ABSTRACT The present research aims to analyze how the editions of the book "Ser Protagonista - Química" referring to the years 2015 and 2018 of the PNLD, distributed to the High School in public schools, are proposing the experimental activities. For the analysis of the experiments the qualitative research was used in the guides of the textbook of 2015 and 2018 and in the literature. With that, the adequacy and inadequacies of the experiments found in the books were judged and judged as to whether they were mechanical, investigative, their level of dangerousness and materials necessary for the application of the practice. Through the analysis of the results it was verified that some experimental activities present in textbooks do not meet the guidelines of official documents for education. In addition, it was noticed that some experimental activities were not related to the studied content. Not being considered satisfactory in what concerns the promotion of learning in the works analyzed. Thus, we sought to correct the inadequacies through substitutions of reagents and in more unsuitable cases the substitution of the experiment as a whole.Acesso AbertoQuímica – Escolas Pública Estaduais de MaceióAnálise dos livros didáticosEnsino Médio – PNLDLivros didáticos.Análise da experimentação química nos livros didáticos do Ensino Médio : adequação segundo os critérios do PNLD e a realidade das Escolas Públicas Estaduais de MaceióTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCNPQ::CIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA::QUIMICA