2023-08-312023-08-312023-08-312023-06-01https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/300This final paper was elaborated with the objective of elaborating and implementing the risk map of the Vale das Colinas winery, in order to identify the risks present in the workplace and to warn preventively, in order to guarantee the safety and health of the workers. For this, a technical visit was carried out, thus providing direct observation of the site. It was possible to identify physical, accidental, chemical, biological and ergonomic risks, mainly related to wine production and storage activities. Based on this information, a visual risk map was prepared, which allows easy identification of risks and actions to be taken to minimize them. With the implementation of the risk map, a significant improvement in the safety and health conditions of winery workers is expected, contributing to a safer and healthier work environment.Acesso AbertoMapa de RiscosProdução de vinhoVinícolaRisk mapWine productionWineryElaboração do mapa de risco da vinícola do município de Garanhuns-PETrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS