2025-01-092025-01-092023-12-12https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/821Based on contributions from the area of interpretive analyzes in contemporary Applied Linguistics, the present work aims to analyze and interpret the way in which strategies of trans and non-binary linguistic activism, generally generically named neutrally such as “language”, “inclusive language ” or “non-binary language”, has been ideologically framed in different judicial controversies. To this end, a combinatorial approach of qualitative and quantitative analysis methods was developed. In this way, through search software, interaction data was tracked, systematized and stored around controversies about “inclusive languages” in judicial decisions. Then, discursive and qualitative analyzes of the selected units were carried out with a view to interpreting them as linguistic ideologies mobilized in the controversies. To support the interpretative analyses, Carr and Lempert's (2016) studies on scalar processes were used, which understands the argumentative construction through gradual ideological processes. Likewise, studies developed by writers such as Gal, (2019), Irvine, Gal (2000), Pinto (2013), Moita-Lopes (2013) and Silva (2020) enabled a more solid construction regarding issues involving gender ideologies. In general terms, the research presents an interpretative analysis for judicial sentences that deal with the suspension or not of the use of neutral language, therefore, it presents itself as an important research that contributes to a very recent area called linguistic activism of trans people and non-binary.ptLetrasIdeologias linguísticasLinguagem neutraLinguagens inclusivasLinguística aplicadaLinguistic ideologiesNeutral languageInclusive languagesApplied linguisticsConflitos sociolinguísticos em torno da "linguagem neutra": uma leitura crítica do discurso jurídicoTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::LETRAS