2023-07-312023-07-312023-07-312022-01-25https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/250Children with autism have an atypical development, characterized by deficits in communication, social interaction and a restricted repertoire of interests or activities. Such deficits directly interfere with learning. To minimize these impacts, methods and approaches specifically developed to help teach people with autism are used, such as: Structured Teaching (TEACCH) and Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). The use of technological resources has provided numerous benefits and several applications have been developed with the proposal to assist in the education and communication process of people with autism, however, it is noticed that development teams rarely know the peculiarities of the target audience. In this sense, the present work aimed to develop a trilogy of applications aimed at mobile devices to assist in the literacy of children with autism. The methodological procedure used covered the six stages recommended by the Design Science Research Methodology (DSRM) and had the collaboration of the multidisciplinary team of a reference institution in the treatment of autism based on the premises of User-Centered Design and Structured Teaching, from constant interactions with the target audience. The results obtained were three applications built to help literacy using the theme of animals (ABC Autism Animals), teach basic math skills (123 Autism) and stimulate the memorization process (MemoAut), with intuitive, interactive, playful and aligned interfaces. with the guidelines of the therapeutic programs. Validation with the target audience indicated that the applications arouse the fascination of users and contribute to minimizing the difficulties faced in the literacy process of children with autism.Acesso AbertoAutismoAplicativosJogos EducativosEnsino EstruturadoAutismapplicationsEducational gamesStructured TeachingTrilogia de aplicativos educacionais para estimulação cognitiva de crianças com autismo: ABC Animais, 123 Autismo e MemoAutTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA