2023-08-162023-08-162023-08-162022-08-09https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/263In our work, we will reflect on how emergency remote teaching has contributed to the training of undergraduate students at the Maceió - IFAL campus. In this way, our general objective was to reflect on the teaching-learning process during the pandemic period in IFAL's degree courses. As specific objectives, we seek to know the institutional regulations that guided teaching and learning practices in emergency remote teaching at IFAL, as well as analyzing the differences between remote teaching and face-to-face teaching from the perspective of students. As a methodological proposal, semi- structured interviews were carried out with 04 undergraduate students from the Maceió - AL campus. Based on the analyzed data, aspects such as the construction of digital skills and abilities, the flexibility of times and spaces for learning and the multiplicity of communication tools between teacher trainers and students in the Degrees were identified as positive aspects of the period. On the other hand, difficulties regarding the interaction between professors and graduates were indicated as challenging aspects in remote teaching.Acesso AbertoEnsino remoto emergencialFormação docente inicialAprendizagemTecnologias da comunicação e InformaçãoEmergency remote teachingInitial teacher trainingLearningCommunication and Information TechnologiesAprendizagem no ensino remoto a partir do olhar de discentes em cursos de licenciaturasTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA