2024-09-052024-09-052024-09-052023-12-14https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/693This research to conclude the Environmental Management course has as its methodology the study of an exploratory and investigative nature, where data were collected through a semi-structured questionnaire with the aim of analyzing the profile of farmers registered in the Merenda da Terra da Program. city of Marechal Deodoro in the state of Alagoas. A bibliographic review study was also used to better understand and analyze what was collected. The description of the context where farmers produce and sell enabled recommendations for the difficulties and limitations identified in the program. Therefore, there were 35 farmers interviewed from 37 active farmers, out of a total of 67 registered. Challenges to be addressed in the program were identified as an incentive to improve and increase production, requiring investments for this to occur; the lack of interest among young people in these families in current production and the continuity of agriculture in the family; the need for these families to organize themselves into associations or cooperatives, possibly gaining greater unity and robustness, thus assisting in the production/cultivation, sale and distribution processes; and implementation of the SAF’s Agroforestry System as a possible efficiency for recovering soil nutrients for the benefit of agricultural cultivation.Acesso AbertoAgricultura familiarPrograma merenda da terraAssociativismoCooperativismoSistema AgroflorestalFamily farmingEarth snack programAssociativismCooperativismAgroforestry SystemPrograma merenda da terra em Marechal Deodoro – AL : perfil dos agricultores cadastradosTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS AGRARIAS