2024-02-292024-02-292024-02-292023-10-26https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/393This article aims to present a proposal for a didactic sequence with interdisciplinarity between the subjects of Science and Portuguese Language, based on the theme “irregular disposal of solid waste”. It is believed that it is important to discuss the implementation of educational activities in a interdisciplinary and playful way. The use of reading and text production in contexts of social practice, understood as literacy (SOARES, 1998), in the context of environmental education must be understood as a work of environmental literacy (SOUZA, 2009). Fable textual genre serves as a stimulus for the discussion of topics of all kinds, especially environmental ones, and its inherent playfulness allows the application, reapplication and orderly implementation ofactivities towards the classroom.Acesso AbertoEducação ambientalLetramento ambientalInterdisciplinaridadeSequência didáticaLetramento ambiental: proposta interdisciplinar para abordar o descarte irregular de resíduos sólidos através de gêneros textuaisTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoEducação